The Boathouse Past and Future

The Sedgeley Club Boathouse was erected in 1902.  Located at 15 Boathouse Row on Kelly Drive, it is the youngest of all the boathouses.  In 1897 several women from Philadelphia petitioned city government to allow them to build a place for women to enjoy rowing, bicycling and canoeing along the river in the “countryside” borderingContinue Reading

Preserving the Building

Preserving the Building

OUR TRACK RECORD OF PRESERVATION For more than a century, since 1902 the women of Sedgeley Club have been responsible for preserving the Sedgeley Club Building and restoring the lighthouse. Preservation of the building has remained at the pinnacle of our priorities for over a century. Looking back over the last decade or so, thisContinue Reading

Preserving the Lighthouse

Preserving the Lighthouse

The Light on Turtle Rock was constructed in 1887 by Frank Thurwanger, costing under $3,000 to complete, including a roofed shelter without walls surrounding the lighthouse tower. It was constructed on Turtle Rock, a protrusion of rock on the east bank of the river just at the far end of Boathouse Row.  For the bustlingContinue Reading